Year End

As the 2023-2024 school year comes to a close, the staff at McNair Mini School wishes to thank our parents and students for your tireless efforts in making this program a success. From the work of the ten-member Mini Council, to the chaperones who accompany us on our trips, to even the timely response we received for our Strathcona 2024 forms, Mini School exists because of people like you. Thank you.

Ms. C. Mar hosted the Mini Grad Farewell on Friday, June 14th, and Mini Council hosted the year end celebration for all Mini students immediately afterward. See photos from the event here!

To our Mini 12 graduates, we wish you our very best in endeavours to come! Exciting opportunities and journeys await you all, and we can’t wait to see where you go from here. Do come back and visit to tell us of your amazing adventures post high school!

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