Edcamp Vancouver: An “Unconference” for ALL

Dear Mini School Family,

I am currently involved in organizing the first ever Edcamp Vancouver.  It is an “un-conference” and ALL STAKEHOLDERS IN EDUCATION are welcome to attend.  That means, it is open to all educators, PARENTS and STUDENTS.  If you are interested for more information, see below:

Quick Facts:

WHEN: Saturday April 16th, 2011, 9am – 4pm

WHERE: John Oliver Secondary School, 530 41st Ave E. Vancouver, BC V5W 1P3

WHO: Educators, Parents, Students, Media, Everyone!


The purpose of Edcamp is to put a bunch of creative, innovative and dedicated people together to share ideas and improve teaching and educational practices. Workshops are conversation driven and not typical lecture style presentations. All participants are invited to contribute ideas in workshops, and any attendee who feels comfortable is encouraged to offer a workshop.

The Edcamp experience will be that of an un-conference. Wikipedia describes an un-conference as a facilitated, participant-driven conference centered on a theme or purpose. The term “unconference” has been applied, or self-applied, to a wide range of gatherings that try to avoid one or more aspects of a conventional conference, such as high fees and sponsored presentations.  Edcamp Vancouver is FREE.

A key component of the Edcamp Vancouver un-conference experience will be the use of technology to assist attendees in learning what is happening in each of the facilitated learning opportunities that is occurring. Each room will be equipped with an LCD projector, and other technology, for use by presenters if they choose.

So what do YOU HAVE TO DO?

  1. Register at http://edcampvancouver.org/registration
  2. If you have a presentation, or question(s), bring it!
  3. Show up, contribute, learn, enjoy!

What will the DAY LOOK LIKE?

9:00am to 9:15am What is Edcamp Vancouver?
9:15am to 9:50am Planning schedule & refreshments
10:00am to 11:00am Session one
11:15am to 12:15pm Session two
12:15am to 1:15pm Lunch
1:15pm to 2:15pm Session three
2:30pm to 3:30pm Session four
3:30pm to 4:00pm Wrap-up


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at bsoong@sd38.bc.ca.  Also, please feel free to pass it along to anyone interested in education!

Bernie Soong

About bsoong

Vice Principal at Gladstone Secondary School in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Son, husband and father. Sports and movie fan.
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